Smart Mobility & Mobility as a Service

Smart Mobility, Mobility as a Service


Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility comprises the integrated user-oriented transport systems and services that can make travelling safer, smarter and greener, using innovative technologies. It is an advanced form of mobility that combines diverse transport technologies, services and modes. Accordingly, all types of transport technologies, services and modes can become smart mobility systems if they are refined with new information technologies. Cooperative-intelligent transport systems are one representative example of smart mobility technology, while personal mobility is an example of a smart mobility mode. In terms of smart mobility services, demand-responsive transport services are the prime example.

Source: Increasing the Use of Smart Mobility Approaches to Improve Traffic Conditions in Urban Areas of South-East Asia | ESCAP


Shared Mobility

Shared Mobility involves sharing a vehicle as a group (e.g. ride-sharing) or over time (e.g. carsharing or bike sharing) as personal rental. It allows users to access transportation services on an as-needed basis and it includes a variety of modes including carsharing, bicycle-sharing, scootersharing, ridesharing, and carpools. Shared mobility provides users with short-term access to one of these modes as and when they are needed.


Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) typically packages services from multiple mobility providers into a single service – often using an app or other digital platform, which may include both public and private mobility providers. The solution will take users more or less seamlessly to their desired destinations, and the users pays for the services as a single trip.

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