

Germany is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic comprising sixteen constituent states covering 357,022 km2 (137,847 sq mi) with a population of 83.7 million. Urban transport plans have been common in most cities since the 1960s. Although they are not legally binding, most cities and urban regions are developing such plans as an important part of general land-use planning. Elements of SUMPs are increasingly included in most plans but other planning documents often have different objectives.

There are 41 cities with Urban Mobility Plans online with a total population of 20.0 million people. The cities range in size from 20,050 people (Fröndenberg) to 4.6 million people (Berlin). All plans are in German and two (Bremen and Dresden) are also available in English. Most plans have been prepared with consultant assistance and only one (Bielefeld) has been prepared in accordance with the EU Guidelines.

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