

The Czech Republic is a pluralist multi-party parliamentary representative democracy that covers an area of 78,871 square kilometers (30,452 sq mi) with an estimated population of 10.5 million. In 2021, the Czech government adopted the Concept of Urban and Active Mobility for the period of 2021 – 2030 inluding the new Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan methodology SUMP 2.0. The aim of this methodology is to provide city experts and organizations involved in transport planning with an applicable guide adapted to the conditions in cities in the Czech Republic.

All cities with populations over 40,000 people (27 cities) have apparently prepared a SUMP. Of these, 20 cities of which one (Liberec) is a metropolitan area have published their plans online with a total population of 3.2 million people. The cities range in size from 23,908 people (Litvínov) to 1.2 million people (Prague). Two plans have been supported by EU funding. Four plans have followed the EU SUMP Guidelines. All plans are in Czech and the Prague plan is also available in English.

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